Holey is an innovative start-up which has developed an integrated system, based on 3D printing technology, to realize some custom-made orthopedic braces able to replace the traditional plaster cast with a lightweight but strong, breathable and wearable even in the water.
The solution proposed by Holey is composed by a 3D scanner able to automatically acquire the three-dimensional image of the patient limb. It consists also of a software that, following the dimensions previously acquired with the scan and parameters inserted by the doctor, generate the brace virtual model, ready for printing through a remote manufacturing system provided by the best 3D printing technologies.
Within 24/36 hours the brace is delivered to the Centre.
Thanks to its 3D scanning and printing system, Holey is able to provide different types of highly customized and functional braces.
The search for a reliable and performing 3D printing solution, that could fully meet the demands of orthopedic clinics and patients, has been reflected in the system offered by Ultimaker, able to print different techpolymers and to bind different materials together, thanks to the double extruder use.
Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle offers the chance to manage the remote production system in a fully autonomous way.
The Material Station ensures the spools preservation and hence their qualities, whereas the Air Manager allows to work in a safer environment, retaining the 95% of ultrafine particles.
Through the use of Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle, Holey is able to produce both static and dynamic custom-made braces, besides offering to its customers a number of advantages in terms of comfort and safety that other technologies cannot provide.

The solution of Holey start-up has been tested in collaboration with professors of medicine and orthopedics of University of Rome La Sapienza, with the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL), and recently presented at the SIOT 2019, national congress organized by the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.