3D printing in podiatry:
orthotic insoles
The integration of 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies within the orthotic insoles production processes leads to a reduction in production times and costs, guaranteeing absolute precision and product quality.
In addition, the possibility of manipulating every single point of the insole through the use of specific software allows a high level of customization of the final product.
With modern Additive Manufacturing systems it is possible to produce customized orthotics with reduced costs and high performance.
The integration between the stabilometric and baropodometric acquisition systems, which allow an anatomical and functional evaluation of the foot, and the CAD modeling software, allows to optimize and vary the internal fillings for optimal comfort and greater resistance and safety.
Digital podiatry
Innovative orthotic insoles thanks to FFF 3D printing
Discover the new digital workflow in podiatry. Make orthotic insoles with the help of 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies.